Get to know Clara Sunscreen™!My Personality: VigilantParty Theme: Glam | My ID Number: 1-484Clara Sunscreen is the guardian of the beach and beyond, always ensuring her pals are shielded from the harsh rays of the sun. With a vigilant eye, she's quick to spot...
Get to know Petey Peanut Butter™!My Personality: RusticParty Theme: Cravings | My ID Number: 1-476With his love for all things classic and rustic, Petey Peanut Butter prefers the simple joys in life... like a cozy afternoon spent inside a mountainside cabin. He’s the kind...
Hop into Passion with the Ribbits Frog™ Clip-On!My Personality: PassionateRibbits Frog is a hoppy little friend with a big personality. This Palm Pals Clip-On features a vibrant green color, friendly smile, and soft plush body, perfect for those who love these amphibious creatures. Ideal...
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Get to know Clara Sunscreen™!My Personality: VigilantParty Theme: Glam | My ID Number: 1-484Clara Sunscreen is the guardian of the beach and beyond, always ensuring her pals are shielded from the harsh rays of the sun. With a vigilant eye, she's quick to spot...
Get to know Petey Peanut Butter™!My Personality: RusticParty Theme: Cravings | My ID Number: 1-476With his love for all things classic and rustic, Petey Peanut Butter prefers the simple joys in life... like a cozy afternoon spent inside a mountainside cabin. He’s the kind...
Hop into Passion with the Ribbits Frog™ Clip-On!My Personality: PassionateRibbits Frog is a hoppy little friend with a big personality. This Palm Pals Clip-On features a vibrant green color, friendly smile, and soft plush body, perfect for those who love these amphibious creatures. Ideal...