Party Theme: Seasonal | My ID Number: 1-199
With all the bright, pastel colors scattered around Easter, Zaggy sneaks away looking for the toughest hiding spot. Zaagy is a worthy challenge as after you find him, your prize is a fun and crazy friend! An endless game of hide and seek, the chase is what Zaggy finds the most enjoyable.
Zaggy Egg is an adorable plush with a layered look of soft pastel pink, vibrant yellow, and soothing aqua. Its sweet, smiling face, complete with rosy-cheeked blush and innocent black eyes, makes it the perfect stealthy companion.
I excel in the art of hide-and-seek, always finding the sneakiest spots where I can watch my pals try to find me!
Zephyr Butterfly™: Zephyr's calming influence ensures that Zaggy remains patient and focused, helping him to find the most creative hiding places.